Wednesday, February 16, 2011

That's a lot of candles!!!!!

Who had this many candles on their birthday cake this year???

Aunt Tonya!!!

Tonya's birthday was actually last week.  This year she had to wait to celebrate because of the arrival of Jonathan.
We all headed to Mimi's and Papaw's for pizza and cake Sunday.  The kids all got to play outside all day.  We are loving this beautiful weather!

Happy Late Birthday Aunt Tonya!  We had fun celebrating with you!

Valentine's Day

We had a fun Valentine's Day.  The boys' preschool had a Valentine's party that morning.  The boys had some of their favorites at their party which were  chicken nuggets and cookies.   They exchanged Valentine's with their friends which they understood better than I thought they would.  Then Noah and Nathan spent the afternoon with Nana while I went to Abby's party.  She exchanged Valentines, made a Valentine craft and had yummy snacks.  After school, I made Daddy homeade ziti (his favorite) for Valentine's dinner and took Abby to her ballet class.  Daddy and I exchanged cards and he gave me coupons for chores around the house. (love it!)  We gave the kids books and silly bands.  It was a great but very busy Valentine's Day.
Sweet boys!

Yummy! Frosted cookies!

Waiting patiently for their Valentines!

The cutest best friends!

Our Valentine princess!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Look who came to lunch!

The boys and I had guests last week for lunch.  Dora and Barney decided to join us.  The boys made sure they had their own food and fed them.  They told me that they wanted applesauce in a bowl.  They let Dora and Barney have their booster seats and they sat in the chairs.  They really took good care of them. :)
Nathan feeding Dora
The boys and their guests

Noah feeding Barney

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Little News

    For once I have no pictures to post.  I thought I would just post a little update on potty training.  The boys are doing great AT HOME.  They wear pull ups to school and the minute they get home they go to the potty and want to put on their "big boys."  They haven't had an accident in several days at home.  We were right about Nathan.  I swear that kid held it for about a week except for naptimes and bedtimes when he had the pull ups on. clicked and he started going.  I don't think he has had an accident since.  Nathan cannot be forced or even bribed.  He does things on his own time.  Noah even stayed dry for a 2 hour nap yesterday. 
     They are still not going at school but that will come eventually. They are used to their little potties and potty seats and they don't have those at school.   Their teacher said there was just too much excitement at school to think about the potty. haha!  All in all it is coming along and it is not the worst thing in the world. 
It is actually going much better than I imagined.  Happy Potty Training!  

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Addition to the Family

We have a new addition to the family.  My nephew Jonathan Byron was born on February 2.  He weighed 7 lbs 13 0z and was 19 inches long.  Everything went great and the whole family came home together on Saturday.  He is the sweetest, cutest little thing.  It is nice having a baby in the family again to cuddle and hold.  I can't wait for the kids to meet him.  Unfortunately Abby has had a fever for the last 4 days so we haven't been able to go for a visit.  I can't wait to see the boys' reaction to him.  I know Abby will be excited!  Here are some of the many pictures I took of the big day:
Our first glimpse of the little man!

Proud big brother anxiously awaiting Jonathan's arrival!

First family picture
Proud grandparents
Mimi and her newest little boy
Pawpaw(the nanny)  and his little buddy
Aunt Tonya and Jonathan
In deep conversation with Uncle Bobby about his little brother
My favorite!

Two sweet brothers!