Friday, May 27, 2011

First Week of Summer

This was our first official week of "summer vacation."  I have tried to keep the kids busy.  I have learned one thing... 3 small kids + lots of free time = lots of fighting.  We have read all of our library books and made a trip to the library for more.  The boys' attention span is improving so the reading is getting a little easier.  Abby is able to read some of their books to them.  They love this (and so do I).  We have played with play doh and made letters, cookies, sandwiches, etc.  It's amazing what their little minds come up with to make out of play doh.  We had water day with the little pool and water table.  They loved this and it wore them out. They have really enjoyed their playground and sandbox.  This is the first year that I can actually do a little yard work while they play.  We went to Chic Fil A for lunch one day.  They love playing on the playground there.  We  can usually count on running into some school friends there.  The boys played with their best buddy that day and Abby played with a couple of her ballet friends.  Mommy had a peaceful lunch and talked to adults!  Woohoo!!!  We have even managed to sneak in a little "school."  Abby is working on a summer journal and a workbook to get her ready for 1st grade.  I'm working with the boys on their  name and improving their fine motor skills. On Wednesday night we had movie and popcorn night.  These kids love their popcorn.  We watched Tangled and it was a big hit.  There's a lot of talk around here about the upcoming Cars 2 movie coming out soon.  Nathan and Noah can't wait to go to the big "movies" and see it on the big screen.  It will be their first movie. With Daddy being out of town for 2 days this week, this is one tired mommy.  As I write this, I realize that we did manage to pack a lot in this week.  We are looking forward to a long weekend with Daddy home. 

 A few pics of movie night:


Noah looking comfy. ( I did make him sit up so he wouldn't choke on popcorn.)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Abby's Kindergarten Graduation

Abby had her kindergarten graduation last week.  It was a very cute little ceremony.  Each of the classes performed a song.  Abby was so cute.  It is amazing how much she has come out of her shell in the last few years.  She was singing, dancing and smiling the entire time.  The whole kindergarten sang a few songs together.  Then the principal presented each of the students  their kindergarten diploma.  The ceremony ended with a slide show of the entire kindergarten showing their baby pictures and a kindergarten picture. It was so sweet.  We had a little reception afterwards in her classroom.  We got her scrapbook for the year which was so cute.  Her teacher also compiled the entire year's journal entries into a large notebook.  It was amazing to see her progress this year in writing.  She started off with just pictures, then added the title and date and finished the year off by writing 5-8 sentences a day.  

I can't believe how far Abby has come in one year at school.  She learned to write sentences, read, add and subtract and tell time.  I am most proud of her progress socially.  She started a school where she knew no one.  I was soooooo nervous about that.  She made friends quickly.  She has a "best" friend and several other close little girl friends.  She loved her teacher and her entire class.  She volunteers to answer questions in class.  With a lot of encouragement from her teacher she began sharing during the Writers workshop block.  By the end of the year it seemed like she was sharing a story each week.  It is awesome watching her come out of her shell and sharing that silly, cute personality with her classmates.

I can't believe I have a 1st grader now!!!

Waving to her "fans"

Singing and dancing
Receiving her diploma

Abby's slide

the whole class
We don't like to think about this!
The Graduate
Best buddies
Graduating kindergartners from our neighborhood
Abby with Mrs. Allen

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What We Have Been Up To Lately

It's been a little crazy around here with all of the end of the school year party and activities. Noah and Nathan finished up last week.  Luckily we had their party a week early since several of their friends were out of town for the last week.  Unfortunately, the strep throat bug hit  our house and Noah missed his last week of school.  Poor guy even missed water day.  Abby and Noah were sick for most of the week last week with fevers and vomiting. (Yuck!)  Nathan got sick later in the week but didn't have strep.  I think he  just had a little bug.   Abby missed her ballet dress rehearsal.  She went back to school at the end of the week.  She still missed her field trip because it was outside and I didn't think she was quite up to it. 

We're still working on potty training.  They will go for days with no accidents and then the next day I might have  10 pair of wet underwear by the end of the day.  They seem to do better at home when they are in their routine.  We have at least got over our public restroom phobia.  I can actually take them somewhere without a pull up.  Hopefully this summer we will be completely potty trained.  I mean it's only been a 5 month process!  :) 

Abby has a big week.  She had her luau yesterday but it rained and was cold.  The kids still ate and had a good time.  She will be having her kindergarten graduation ceremony this week and her class will be singing a song.  Personally, I would just like to leave her in kindergarten for a few years.  She loves it!  I always worry so much about the transition of the next year.  Hopefully, we will get another great teacher.

I'm gearing up for the big summer.  I am hoping for the first time that I will be able to manage all 3 kids at the pool by myself.  I've bought some books so we can have a little  "school" time each day.  We are going to do the summer reading  program at the library.  All 3 kids love going to the library.  I love that it is small and 2 minutes from our house.  The librarians are very sweet there and seem to like my wild crew.  We have swimming lessons planned.  Hopefully, we can squeeze in lots of playtime with cousins and friends.  Personally, I cannot wait for the beach!!!!!  A book, a breeze and my toes in the sand!!!
Nathan with Ms. Allison at the End of Year party
Noah giving Ms. Sharon her present.  He actually wanted to keep it.


Nathan getting ready to say the blessing

Miss Priss outside in her pjs

Abby and Mikayla at the Luau

Boys on their way to their first "friend" birthday party

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Abby's Ballet Recital

Today was Abby's spring ballet recital.  She just completed her third year in dance and it is amazing how much progress she has made.  She was so graceful and she knew the routines perfectly.  She did a tap and a ballet routine.  Of course, she looked beautiful in her red costume.  She was sooooo excited this year to wear red. ( This is her new favorite color.)  I love watching Abby dance and I look forward to this day all year.  I think she had the proudest parents (and grandparents) in the whole theater! 
Here are a few pictures of our little ballerina:

Daddy's Little Girl
Mommy and her ballerina
Her tap routine (how cute are those little hats!)
Ballet dance
A happy little dancer with her flowers from Daddy.
Karlie and Abby
Nana, Abby and Papa
Mimi, Abby and Pawpaw
Getting a lift from her favorite guy...
Abby and her fans!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today we were lucky enough to get to spend the day with both of our mothers.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because Abby was sick and she wasn't up to it.  The boys and I went to dinner with Mimi tonight and it was a little too chaotic for pictures. :)

I want to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day.  Thank you for being such a wonderful mom and "mimi."  Now that I am a mom I realize all the sacrifices that you made for all of us.  You never had any "me time"  or girls night out.  Even though I am an adult, you are never to busy when I call to ask you a question or tell you something wild the kids have done that day.  There have been so many phone calls since I have had kids asking about fevers, rashes, tantrums, etc.   I hear so many people talk about how their mothers tell them what to do as adults (especially about raising their children.)  You have never done that.  I love how you always reassure me that my kids are just "being kids"  or it's just a "stage" no matter how badly they might have behaved that day or what strange thing they boys might have done.  Thanks for all of the many drives out to my house to help with the kids or be at every special event with them.  I hope you had a great day and realize how much you are loved and appreciated. 

Abby and Mimi

I also want to wish my mother in law a Happy Mother's Day.  She is the best mother in law ever.  She also managed to raise a pretty great son! :)  She's such a big help with the kids.  I don't know what I would do without her.  Thanks for always being there for us and being such a great "nana' too! 

I love this one because they just seem to be in their own little world.

My sweet little ones went shopping with Daddy this weekend and picked out a gift for me.  They were so proud of themselves.  The boys even made a good attempt at signing their own names on the card.  They were all so sweet this morning when they called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day.  I am so lucky to have 3 healthy, happy kids.  It gets so wild around here with 3 little ones so close in age that I always just want a little quiet.  I know that one day I will miss all of this terribly.  Sometimes I feel like I should be doing more than staying home with the kids.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is truly the most important job I will ever have in my life.  I need to enjoy every minute of it because I will blink and they will be grown.  I still can't believe I have a 6 year old and two 3 year olds.  It seems like just yesterday that I had a 3 year old and 2 infants. 

2007 My three babies


I also want to wish my sisters, sister in law and friends all a "Happy Mothers Day."  You are all wonderful mothers and I hope you had a great day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Abby's Field Day

Today was Abby's Field Day. It started at 9:00 and it was quite chilly.  It warmed up later and it turned out to be a gorgeous day.  They played games and jumped on inflatables.  Abby had a great time and I love watching her with her friends.  I'm always reminded of how thankful I am that "big school" was such a smooth transition for Abby.  She has a wonderful teacher and has made friends with some sweet kids.  Noah and Nathan enjoyed their day as well.  They went shopping with Nana and Aunt Alicia (Thanks you two!)  and they had a great time as always. 

Hula Hoops
Relay race
What a good climber!
Loving the super slide!
Even the teachers loved the super slide!

Abby, Mikayla and Danielle
Taking a little water break- Ricky, Danielle, Abby, Jolie and Mikayla
Abby and Danielle

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Very Special Day!

Today is a special birthday for a very special person.  Mimi turned the big 60 today.  We didn't get to see her but we celebrated with her this weekend.  We did manage to call her at 7:30 AM to serenade her!
Thanks Mimi for everything you do for all of us.  You are a wonderful mother and grandmother! 

Here are a few pictures of her celebration:
Getting help from Noah blowing out those candles!
"The big kids"
Wild man who always  has a lot to say!
Sweet little Jonathan
Not quite sure what Nathan is up to here

Part of the crew

Some of our favorite pictures of Mimi-

Pam's wedding
Daytona Beach 2006
Just the girls
December 2005 with the oringinal "twins"
Tonya's wedding 2007
With Nathan  on his first birthday 2008
with a twin (I wish I new which one?)
One of my favorites with our crazy crew
With Abby at 3 year preschool graduation
Seeing Hayden for the first time!
My favorite picture

Holding her first (and only) granddaughter