Friday, October 28, 2011


Today was Book Character Dress Up day at Abby's school.  Abby chose the character Pinkalicious.  What an easy costume!  Half of her closet is pink!  It's a fun day for the kids.  The whole school parades around the parking lot in their costumes (including teachers). 
So happy to be back at school after 2 days out with strep throat.
The Office Staff as Mr. Popper's Penguins

Pinkalicious and Amelia Earhardt

Lucy (Emma)

Abby and Jolie

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Noah and Nathan's Fall Party

Today I went in for the boys' fall party.  Last year Nathan refused to wear his costume and participate in the costume parade.  This year he finally put his costume on but he didn't want to "parade" into any of the other classrooms.  Progress!  The boys weren't thrilled with the idea of more pictures after our 2 hour + photo session this weekend but I managed to get a few.  After the parade they played a few games and then had their snacks.  Of course, the boys wanted their snacks right away because they could see them on the table.  They might have been a tad impatient!  What a surprise!  As soon as they got a little sugar in their system they were good to go!
He insisted that his costume have a mask.
Thomas the Train (Nathan)
The boys were sitting so quietly with the class waiting for the parade to start.

Dr. Noah  (I hope I am looking into the future!)

The whole class without Noah

Nathan pinning the nose on the pumpkin

Noah pinning the nose on the pumpkin

Some Happy Boys!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Little Problem Solving

What do you do when your sister will not let you play her DS? 
If you are Noah, you hide in your clothes hamper to play.

Yes, he was smart(devious?)  enough put the lid on.  I took it off to take the picture.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthdays and Apples

I had a wonderful birthday this weekend.  I asked for family pictures for my birthday so we spent Saturday getting this done.  I can't wait to see the proofs.  We haven't had family pictures done in a few years.  We had them made outside which I have tried to schedule for the last 2 years.  The other great thing about this weekend is that I didn't cook  or prepare one single meal.  We went out for Italian food (my favorite) after the pictures.  On Sunday morning, Bobby and the kids got up and cooked me breakfast while I slept.  They brought me coffee and presents in bed.  I got new fuzzy pink slippers from the kids.  Then I came downstairs to candles, "flowers" and the birthday banner.  Bobby said the kids actually helped him cook.  They were so excited.  Then Bobby abandoned his plans for the day and took us took an apple orchard to pick some apples.  We had a great day outside and the kids loved picking apples and all of the other activities at the orchard.  We finished the weekend off by stopping by one of my favorite bbq restaurants for dinner with family. 

My birthday breakfast

So excited to get a birthday picture with all 3 smiling!

Jumping on the inflatable pillow
Noah loved to lay there and let everyone bounce him
My favorite people

Friday, October 21, 2011

P is for Pajamas

Today was P day at preschool.  They wore pjs to school and snacked on popcorn, pizza and pickles!
Here is a little sampling of our quick morning photo shoot in our new monkey pajamas. 

My Two Little Monkeys:

"Pajama Day!"

Laughing at Noah's silly faces

Noah finally got him in a good mood

A little early morning dancing...

Love these expressions!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dennis the Menace

Noah has become known as Dennis the Menace around our house.  He is always up to something.  Since he started crawling and walking he has always been investigating and exploring every corner of our house.  He takes things apart, rearranges, hides, etc.  Lately, he's starting trying to outsmart me.  Yesterday, after 15 minutes of questioning the boys over their lunch choices, he decides on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  This always means a "choo-choo sandwich" at our house.  (cut out with the train sandwich cutter)  When I gave him his sandwich he said, "No, I can't eat this.  Daddy said I can't eat choo-choo sandwiches."  He even tried to throw it away.  Obviously, he and I had a little battle of the wills but he kept insisting that Daddy said he couldn't have it.  (He didn't want it cut in a train shape today.) Finally, I called Bobby and put him on the speaker and he told Noah to eat the sandwich.  Noah just looked at me, hung his head, mumbled "Ok" and started eating. 

Today we had a similar situation.  We have told the kids they could no longer watch Sponge Bob and they boys beg to watch it every day.  We really should have never let them watch it but the 30 minutes of quiet was so nice. (haha!) Noah brought me my cell phone today and told me to lean over and put my ear on it.  I asked him why and he said I had a phone call.  My first thought was who has he called this time.  (This kid is obsessed with my cell phone.)  I looked down and saw that there wasn't a call.  He told me that Mimi was on the phone and wanted to talk to me.  I kept saying that Mimi wasn't on the phone.  He told me that Mimi wanted to talk to me to tell me that I need to let him watch Sponge Bob.  (At this point, I am really trying not to laugh!) I reminded him that he wasn't watching it and he said, "Mommy, Mimi said I have to.  You have to do what Mimi said."  Noah is always coming up with something like this. This little guy's brain is in overdrive all the time concocting some new scheme.  Please start praying for the teenage years!

I know I already posted this but the picture says it all!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Yesterday we went with Belinda, Kenny and the girls to the pumpkin patch.  This is a yearly tradition with our 2 families. (4 years!)  We had a great day.  It is so funny to think of how the kids have changed in the last few years. Mary Helen was toddling around the first year and  the boys were still in strollers.  The boys were almost 2 the next year.  They took one look at the pumpkins, yelled "Balls!" and started kicking them.  This year was Maggie's first year.  It was fun watching her all day.  She is the  "baby" of the group.  Of course, Abby and Mary Helen are inseparable.  They run around holding hands and giggling all the time.  I took an overload of pictures.  We had gorgeous weather and adorable kids.  What more could you ask for?

Yes, we are trying to climb in the rabbit's pen.

Daddy's little girl

Attempting the last picture of the day!

Many, many attempts later at the last picture!