Thursday, February 23, 2012

Winter Break

The kids were out of school for 2 days for a little winter break.  The first day we just hung around the house and then took a trip to the library.  Noah is now fully into Super Heroes.  He checked out 7 Super Hero books.  As I read them to him he constantly asks, "Is that a good guy or bad guy?".  Nathan has checked out every train book in the library.  The librarian even told me she knows when she finds our books in the book return because of the train books.  Thank goodness he has branched out and he chose an assortment of books this time.  Abby is a big helper in the reading department now.  I love to read to them but you can only read the same book so many times. 

On Tuesday we  ventured out with Mimi and Clayton to the bounce house.  We had plans to go to Chic Fil A for lunch and the playground.  It was so crowded that we ended up at Moe's instead.  They all had a great time together jumping.  Abby and Clayton love spending time together and they don't get to see each other much these days. 

We finished up the day by getting Nathan a hair cut.  Nathan was so calm and sweet while she cut his hair.  He has come a long ways since the days of pitching wild screaming fits during his hair cut.  Abby and Noah were so good while he got a hair cut.  She read books to him and they sat quietly the whole time.  I'm not bragging but it's so nice to see how they are growing up.  We have actually gone out to eat a few times lately and older couples have come over to compliment us on their behavior.  It just makes us feel that we have done something right! haha! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Way to go Abby!

Abby had her final cup stacking competition a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, we didn't find out about until a few days before and it was 3 hours away.  Mommy had plans to go for a Girls Day Out to celebrate Aunt Tonya's birthday.  Daddy was more than willing to make the trip and coach his little girl for the day.  Abby has been going to practice once a week for cup stacking all year.  At the last competition she kicked it into high gear and that "C" family competitive streak appeared.  She learned a few shortcuts and cut 20 seconds off some of her times.  She got second place in all of her events and made it to the afternoon finals.  Daddy was calling me all day to give me updates.  After the finals she managed to pull out a 2nd place in the cycle event which is usually her weaker event.  She got a trophy!!!!!  That just made the whole day.  She also managed to get two 4th place, one 5th place and a 1st place in the team event.  She came home a very happy and TIRED little girl.  I'm not sure who had more fun...Abby or Daddy. 

One tired little girl!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Daddy & Daughter Date Night

Our local Chic Fil A hosted a Daddy Daughter Date Night.  So, we made reservations for Bobby and Abby to go but didn't tell her.  I told her 1 hour before Bobby would be home that someone special was coming to pick her and take her on a special date.  We got her dressed and curled her hair.  She couldn't figure out who was coming and where they could be taking her.  She was so excited to see Bobby walk in the door.  She loves spending time with just her and her daddy.  What a DADDY's girl!  Chic Fil A did a great job.  They decorated with hot pink and zebra print and had tons of balloons and flowers.  They also had carriage rides.  Abby and Bobby both had a great time. 
Noah the wild man

The boys couldn't be left out (Nathan)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a little crazy around here.  First of all, we have had 4 cases of strep throat in 3 weeks. (Noah had it twice!) Nathan was home last weekend and on Monday.  So, I didn't really get to get out and buy goodies or plan for Valentines. Noah was home sick last week so we missed his Valentine's party.  Abby did manage to get make her little party.  So, we got her all dressed up and managed to make some goodies for her class. (White chocolate popcorn which was YUMMY!)  Since I was stuck at home in quarantine on Monday I had to get the stuff and finish it on Valentines.  I finally finished and we headed out to drop it off at school and....Noah has locked all the doors on my van with my keys in it.  Oh my...I was not happy!  Bobby had to reschedule his whole day and get home in time to pick Abby up from school.  I was able to catch the room mom and she stopped to pick up our goodies.  It was just one of those days where everything went wrong.  On top of all of this, we still had to make it to ballet that night.   I did manage to get the kids some cute new little character cups for Valentines and we had Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.  Poor Bobby tried so hard. He gave me a gift certificate for a couple's massage.  He dropped everything and ran home but I needless to say I was not in a very Valentiny mood.  I didn't manage to get any pictures of the boys because we never left the house.  Hopefully, Bobby and I will get to celebrate with dinner and a massage in a few weeks.  Even with the craziness in our house the last few weeks I am still very thankful for my 4 sweet Valentines!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monkeying Around...

Abby has finally mastered the monkey bars.  She can climb them and swing from bar to bar.  Quite an accomplishment for our big girl.

A look of deternination!

Nathan- What a cutie!!

Noah-What a ham!

It's a Winter ONEderland

Guess what sweet boy turned one last week.  It seems like just yesterday we were waiting in the hospital for him to be born.  Jonathan had a Winter ONEderland themed birthday party.  It was so cute with the little snowmen and snowflakes.  He was so happy and enjoyed his party.  He is such a happy baby!  He wasn't so sure about the cake part but most one year olds feel the same way.  (Such a shame because I could have eaten that entire smash cake!)

Two tired boys after the party
Abby and Mary Helen

"I don't know about this cake stuff."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Last week the boys' class had a field trip to a local pizza place.  It just happens to be one of the boys'  favorite places because they have pizza and GAMES.  Bobby couldn't go so I was a little nervous about taking the  boys alone.  We had 4 classes going plus parents.  The boys are so focused on those games from the minute we walk in that I was afraid I would get no cooperation and they would try to run off.  We made a deal before the field trip that if they were very good and cooperative they could play 2 games when it was over.  Other than a few tears over sharing our pizza dough with our brother, they were great!  Whew!  What a relief!  They paid attention really well and ate their lunch.  I was very proud of them.  We all had a great time!

Nathan working on his dough

Noah's turn with the dough
Guess who is getting a little too close to that machine?
Noah asking a few questions
Checking out the freezer- Noah is hidden
Finally made it to the games...
