Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Noah and Nathan's 7th Birthday

I know I say this every year but I can't believe my baby boys are 7.  It seems like just yesterday I was childproofing the whole house and running to the doctor all the time with the latest injury.  They have grown up to be such big boys.  They are sweet, funny, cuddly, smart, imaginative, wild, crazy, etc.  Those two have brought so much excitement to our lives.  They are still the very best of friends.  They play together constantly (and fight).  It's common to find them cuddled up in one chair watching tv or playing video games together.  They will play for hours in their room using every toy they have.  Both boys have a very vivid imagination and never run out of  things to play.  They continue to have an obsession with stuffed animals.  They make up games to play with them.  Even though they play together constantly they still have their own interests.  Nathan prefers art and anything creative. He also loves to talk to ANYBODY.   Noah loves Math and anything with numbers or patterns.  He can be entertained for hours with a measuring stick.  They love being outside and riding their bikes and scooters.  They still love digging in the leaves, sandbox, etc.  They are rough and tough and all boy but still at the end of the day they love nothing better than to crawl up in our laps for some snuggling.

This year we celebrated their  birthdays with a sports themed party in the yard.  We had a basketball goal, soccer goal, pitching machine and net and every kind of ball possible.  The kids just played and had a great time.  We had family and friends over.  Bobby grilled hotdogs and then we had cake and icecream. Daddy also got them each a pinata which was a big party hit.  We lucked out again this year with gorgeous weather for their party.  It was a perfect day to celebrate our sweet boys!

The Ladies

What would a sports themed party be without the GA game?

Two of a kind

Ready for that pinata!

Celebrating on their actual birthday with a pancake breakfast.

Hanging out after a long weekend of celebrating!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

We had another fun Halloween.  We started off our day by having Book Character Day at school.  The kids all participated in a little parade that morning and had snacks in the afternoon.  We came home and fixed a quick dinner so we could Trick or Treat.  This year, the rest of the family had other plans so it was just our family of 5.  We got an early start but didn't stay out too long.  It was very cold and even started raining.  My favorite house we visited had a hot chocolate station set up.  It really hit the spot on that cold, wet night.  We went to several houses and the kids ran in to some of their friends.  Finally, we headed back home for the kids to do their favorite thing which is hand out Halloween candy.  They sat out on the steps for at least another hour handing out candy.

The office staff...aka.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Abby and Danielle

Hanging out with Willie Roberson

With their friend Wyatt

Handing out candy!

The kids' pumpkins-Abby didn't have time to finish her red one.