Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We had our annual little Halloween get-together with our family at our house this year.  Since Halloween is such a huge event in our neighborhood our family usually comes over for a quick dinner and then all of the kids get to trick or treat together.  We had a great time last night.  I think the kids were officially worn out from the walking and the sugar. 
Indiana Jones (Clayton)
"To infinity and beyond!"  Buzz (Noah)
Hayden, the little Monkey
Super Girl (Karlie)
Indiana Jones, Super Girl and Jessie
Papa and Pawpaw handling the treats
Woody and Mommy
Buzz, Daddy and Woody
Buzz and Bobby

Woody (Nathan) and Jessy (Abby)

Woody and Buzz

Trick or Treaters on the move

What is this monkey doing to me?
Sweet little Jessie
Jessie and Super Girl
Woody, Jessy and Buzz

Indiana Jones and Jessie

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's Here!!

It arrived in our mailbox last week.  The Toys R Us Christmas Book!  This would be the equivalent to the Sears Christmas catolog back in the 70's.  Abby and I had already sat down and looked at everything.  Then the boys found it.  They climbed right up in Bobby's lap and went through every page.  As he turned every page I heard, "Wow! Look at all the toys Daddy."  I just had to take a picture because they were all so into it.  It was so cute!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nathan and Noah's Fall Party

The boys had their fall party at school this week.  This was their first official "school" party.  They were supposed to come in costume and have a little parade around the school.  We decided the night before who would be Buzz and who would be Woody.  They were both very excited about the costumes.  Then morning came.  NO COSTUMES!!!!!!!!  Yes, this was screamed many times that morning.  We had the costume on and even had to take it off.  So...we took our costumes in our bookbag to school.  When I got to school for the party, Buzz (Noah) had on his costume.  Woody (Nathan) wouldn' t have any part of it.  Oh well, he still enjoyed parading around the school.  You just never know with two two-year olds. 
Noah who is never too far away from the ladies.

Nathan bringing up the rear of the parade line telling me, "Come in Mommy."

They certainly enjoy party snacks.

Yummy!!  Frosted sugar cookies!

What a sweet smile!

Yippee!  Look at all my goody bags full of sugar! 

Nathan is not happy!  What a look.  This was when Mommy told him no more candy.

Fancy Nancy

Today Abby's school had a Book Character dress up day.  Abby chose Fancy Nancy which are her favorite books.  It was fun digging through her dress up clothes and picking out her "fancy" accesories.  She also managed to get a new dress and some very "fancy" glitter shoes out of the whole deal.  She promised that she will wear these shoes again.  The boys and I went to watch her in Book Character parade this morning.
She's really getting into her posing now even though it's only 7:30 am.
Love this expression!
One wild little guy who is usually not a morning person.

One sleepy little guy waiting for the pictures to be over.

Abby and her best friend Mikayla in deep conversation.

Fancy Nancys (Abby and Mrs. Colgan)

Abby's class

Fancy Nancy, Mulan and Cinderella

Mulan and Fancy Nancy

Abby and Mrs. Allen

Fancy Abby

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Farm Day

Yesterday, Abby's kindergarten class had Farm Day.  They took a hayride, "milked" a cow, churned butter, made mudpies and carved pumpkins. We dressed her like a farmer.  She was so cute.  We got this outfit from a sweet neighbor whose child had outgrown it and it fit Abby perfectly.  I told Abby to huury up so I could take a few pictures before she left.  The funny thing was that the boys ran in and jumped in the pictures.  They were still in pjs with wild hair but smiling from ear to ear.  It has been forever since I was able to get all 3 to sit still for a picture.  Wouldn't you just know it was when they were not even dressed.
She looks so grown up with her hair pulled up like this.

I love this one with both boys turned in toward her.  Sweet little faces!

My cute little farmer girl!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hanging out at Home

I've managed to catch a couple of really sweet and cute times with the kids playing lately.  Last week I walked in the living room and found Abby "reading" to Noah.  He was sitting and listening to every word.  (He rarely sits still like this for anything.)

Today I found Nathan giving Noah a "bath."  They had emptied out a tub of toys and Noah
climbed in.  Then they filled it up with his "bath toys."  Nathan would turn the handle on the bucket
and pretend to turn on the water.  Then he would wash Noah's hair.  It was hysterical.  Then he would tell Noah that he could play with his toys now.  What little imaginations!

Washing Noah's hair

Noah playing with his bath toys

He's all clean Mommy!

Fun on the Farm

Last week, Bobby and I went with Abby's class on a field trip to a working dairy farm.  The weather was gorgeous and the kids had a great time. They went through a mini maze and a corn maze.  We took a hayride and got to feed some cows.  We ended the day with a picnic.  Abby had a good time despite being a little cranky from her late night at Toy Story on Ice.  She was very excited when Mommy AND DADDY met the bus.  Bobby surprised her by taking the day off work. 

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Abby and her best friend, Mikayla

Daddy and his little Princess

Abby's Kindergarten Class

Abby and Jolie on the hayride

Abby, our little photographer, took this shot!

These cows took off running for the trailor as soon as we pulled into the pasture.
These cows were a little agressive for Abby's and my taste.