Monday, April 30, 2012

The Plague

I feel like the black plague is hanging over our house.  We had 7 cases of strep throat in our house during February-March.  (This was following 3 cases of awful pinkeye over Christmas holidays.)  I thought we were in the clear other than a little bit of allergies. hit again.  The strep throat monster came back last week.  Noah started out and had to miss his Fun Day at school.  I came down with it Wednesday night.  It was awful and I spent 2 days in the bed.  Thank goodness for Daddy who took over taxi service, meal prep, errands, and most importantly waiting on me.  I stayed away from the whole family.  We have taken all the precautions.  But Abby still managed to get it Saturday morning.  Thank goodness she has not been extremely sick.  Well, poor Nathan has had a cough for a little while but it took a turn for the worse Saturday night.  He has felt awful.  He went to the doctor today and has a case of strep throat plus the croup.  Oh my...does it stop? I am just hoping Bobby doesn't get it again. 

We have been stuck at home for days so the kids are a little stir crazy. Nathan is whiny because he is just miserable.  We have mountains of laundry to put away and beds to make.  I just have to find a place to start and tackle it.  This is nothing exciting and I have no pictures today but I just wanted to be able to look back years from now to see how crazy things could get with 3 little ones.  Laundry, here I come!

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Bump on the Head

This is a common occurrence at our house.  I can't count the number of times somebody has got a bump on the head.  Hardwood floors and 3 active kids just don't mix well.  Last week Nathan fell out of the chair and bumped his head.  Noah and Abby were so sweet.  They both just wanted to take care of their little brother.  I had to get some pictures. (To prove that they are sweet to each other sometimes!)

Fun Day

Today the boys had "Fun Day" at preschool.  This is a day where we stay outside all morning and the kids rotate through stations.  They had sand art, a bouncy house, a miniature pony, an antique fire truck, snow cones, face painting, fingerprint art and a duck pond.  I was in charge of our class booth which was face painting.  I had everything set up and all my volunteers lined up.  I planned to be there early to help set up.  Of course, what do you think happens?  Noah starts running a fever yesterday.  So, we come up with Plan B.  Noah goes to work with Bobby and hangs out until I finish up with Nathan.  Then we meet up and I take Noah to the doctor.  We made it to Fun Day and had a great time.  Luckily, the school has a large covered pick up area because the weather didn't cooperate.  Nathan enjoyed his day with Mommy and we even squeezed in a lunch before we met Daddy and Noah.  His only other request was a visit to the grocery store for some twisty string cheese or the Dollar store for a rubber ducky. (the idea came from the duck pond game)  We opted for the rubber ducky. I told Nathan at lunch that he was my big boy and he told me I was his big girl. (haha)  Noah of course was on cloud nine that he was going to work with daddy.  Daddy set him up with his favorite shows, his blanket and a bottle of gatorade.   We met up later for Noah's doctor's appointment.  He is always such a tough little guy but he was just pitiful when he saw the nurse reaching for the swabs to do the strep test.  He knew what was coming.  After several cases of strep he is a little traumatized.   So...another case of strep throat.  I'm just praying that it doesn't run through the whole family again. 
At least both of the boys got a little one on one time with us today.  They get so excited when that happens. (even if they are sick)  What sweet boys!
Nathan and his friend Colie
Nathan and the class

My cute lunch date! (yes, he is holding a quesadilla on his head?)

This is how Noah spent his day with Daddy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The boys started their first season of soccer on Friday.  They are not playing on a team but it is more of a little class to learn the basics.  They ran on the field ahead of the other kids and they were so excited.  They had a hard time remembering "No hands" but overall they did pretty well.  They really enjoyed themselves and can't wait to go back next week.  It was a little sad to think my babies are ready for "organized sports." I'm sure it is just the beginning of many days spent on a field watching them play sports and snapping hundreds of pictures! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter -Part 2

"I'm not going to let Mimi and Pawpaw leave!"

Easter 2012

We had a wonderful Easter celebrating with family.  We started off by dying Easter eggs on Saturday night.  The kids had a ball.  This was only the second time the boys have done it so they were so excited.  The next morning we headed off to church for the big Easter service in the high school stadium.  Some of our family met us there.  The weather was beautiful.  After the service we headed home to get ready for lunch. All of our family come to us for Easter.  It's a tradition we started before Abby was born and we love it.  Our egg hunts have grown over the years.  The first year we had Karlie and Clayton was a baby.  Now we have 6 kids running around plus Jonathan who will be right in the middle of it next year.  We had a wonderful day celebrating with family and of course the kids loved being with their cousins.


Look what the Easter bunny brought...

Pawpaw sporting his new beard!

Nathan on the loose...


Noah: "You silly egg, what are doing up there?"