Sunday, February 24, 2013


The kids have been on winter break this week so we headed to the aquarium with Pam and Clayton.  We haven't been to this one since Abby was a baby.  They have added a cool dolphin show so the kids loved it.  They were all very good.  Everyone stayed together and no whining all day.  We had a good day and finished it off at Steak and Shake.  It doesn't get much better than that!




Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a good Valentine's Day but what holiday is complete without a little sickness.  Noah had a virus for a few days so the poor guy missed his party for the second year in  a row.  I had my regular volunteering and parties at both schools so Bobby stayed home with Noah.  Nathan's class had quite a blowout as usual.  The decorations were adorable and they had a ton of food.  Parties are the only time that Nathan actually cleans his plate.  He loves his sweets!  Nathan had a good time and we even stayed a little extra for him to play with his friends.  He had a great day.  Abby had her party that afternoon and it was a little more low key. I brought all of the food and we had cupcakes, some candy and goldfish.  The kids really enjoyed reading all of their Valentines.  We didn't really do anything special that night.  I made a little cake and the kids ate some of their goodies.  We bought the kids the Skylanders video game for Valentines day. They had played with Claytons and they love it.  Bobby and I did manage to sneak away Friday night for a late Valentines dinner.  We had steak and it was delicious! 


Valentine's Date Night

Abby and Bobby had plans to have a "Daddy/Daughter Date Night."  Our local Chic Fil A always does a big event on Valentines and they love it.  So, they got all dressed up and went out for their date.  They had such cute decorations and even let everyone have a limo ride.  Abby was so excited about that.  They had a great night together and the boys and I made it over in time to see them take their limo ride. 

Since Bobby and Abby had plans I told the boys I would take them out for dinner and they could choose.  Of course, they chose Mexican food which was fine by me.  The boys and I went super casual.  The restaurant was decorated so I did manage to get a couple of cute pictures of the boys.  Everyone had a great time and enjoyed their one on one time (or one on two) with Mommy and Daddy.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

The birthday season has officially started around here.  Last weekend we celebrated Jonathan's birthday with a "Super Bowl" themed party.  We had some great food and Jonathan got some really fun presents.  I cannot believe this little guy is 2 already.  It seems like just yesterday we were all piled in a waiting room awaiting his  arrival.  He is such a fun, happy little guy.  We love getting to spend time with him and getting our "baby" fix. 


Monday, February 4, 2013

No Cavities Club

I just took the boys to their first dental appointment this week. We had to go on two separate days so we let Noah go first. He has technically already been twice since he knocked his tooth loose.  Noah was in heaven.  They let him choose his tv show and then leaned him back in the chair.  I think he almost went to sleep.  He had a great appointment and had no cavities.  Nathan went back a few days later for his appointment.  I was a little nervous because he kept telling me he was scared.  He had a little bit of a hard time with the xrays because his mouth is so small.  Once he got through the xrays he was all smiles.  He relaxed and did great during the rest of the appointment.  He didn't have any cavities either.  Wow...what a sigh of relief for me!  I am so proud of my big boys.

Abby also went to the orthodontist for her first visit  this week also.  She was so nervous when I picked her up from school to take her.  I kept reassuring her that it was just a consultation.  The office staff was great.  They were so nice and kid friendly.  Luckily, we are just going to wait another 6 months for more of her teeth to come in.  It looks like she will probably need an expander and braces in her future.