Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a busy but productive holiday weekend.  We went to a baseball game with friends.  We got in some pool time with our little fish.  Bobby grilled out some yummy steaks.  We also got a ton of work done around our house.  We pressure washed our back deck and both screened porches.  We also painted all of the railing and floor on our side porch.  I have spent the last couple of weeks repainting all of our outdoor furniture so I was very excited to get it put back together.  I love having all of the outdoor areas but they were all so dirty that we couldn't really use them.  I am so glad to have them ready to go!  Bobby and his dad also took down a huge dead tree in our front yard very close to our house.  I must admit that I was a little nervous but they did a great job.  Of course the kids were so excited to watch the whole process. 

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

This past weekend we went with our friends out to a ballgame.  We love going to the minor league games and sitting out on the lawn seats.  The kids are not contained to their seats so they can run and jump as much as they want.  It was pretty hot when we first got there but it cooled off as the sun went down.  The kids had such a good time running around and playing with Mary Helen and Maggie.  They always have such a good time together and we are looking forward to spending more time with them this summer.
My best group shot (notice who's not cooperating!)

My future outfielders

Noah and Bobby

Noah trying to scale the fence
The two cutest cheerleaders ever!

Noah shaking his booty!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

First Swim

Last week we took the kids to the pool for the official first swim of summer.  I kept putting them off because I knew the water would be freezing and I was right.  They were so excited to get back in the water.  I was glad to see that they remembered most of what they learned in swimming lessons last summer.  Abby was swimming all over by the end of the night.  We keep the boys in their puddle jumpers most of the time but we let them take turns taking them off to practice their swimming.  They are pretty content to just constantly jump in the pool off the side.  I'm glad that I have 3 little water babies!

Yes, Nathan even plays with trains at the pool!
Noah (He even crosses his ankles while he's floating!)

Nathan working on his backstroke.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mother's Day Part 2

We had a tough time celebrating Mother's day and Mimi's birthday this year. We all took turns being sick this winter and spring.  It was impossible to find a time where everyone was well.  So, Mimi's birthday and Mother's day had to be postponed and we were finally able to celebrate this weekend.  Pawpaw grilled out for us and we all brought sides.  Lots of good food!  We went early so we had all day to spend with Mimi and Pawpaw.  It was nice to have time to sit and talk and not be so rushed.  Of course, the cousins all had such a good time playing together.  It's been awhile since they have all been together. 

If you're happy& you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy & you know it, stomp your feet!
If you're happy & you know it, your face will surely show it!
If you're happy & you know it, shout Hooray!

Happy Birthday to Mimi!
Look who's walking!