Saturday, September 29, 2012

Back to Nature

This week they boys' class took a field trip to a nature preserve.  First they listened to a short talk about different types of native animals.  (This is when Nathan informed everyone that we have squirrels in our attic which we actually don't.)  Then they took a nature hike where they each got to look for different animals on the trail ( stuffed animals).  Afterwards the guide read clues and they had to take their animal out of their bag when it matched the clue.  Noah was so funny.  He knew it was his animal called out so he would hold on to his bag and get this really sneaky look on his face.  I guess he thought he could trick the guide.  My little Dennis the Menace!  They finished off the morning by making pine cone bird feeders.  They had a good time running around and playing later with their friends.  This year they actually have 2 other little boys in their class.  It is so funny that during the hike and the craft the boys stick together like glue.  They love all the girls in their class but they like hanging with their buddies now.  Their teacher says the 4 of them travel in a pack!

He looks like a boxer with his hood and blackeye.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tooth #2

Nathan lost his second tooth this week.  I can't believe he has lost 2 teeth and he's not even 5.  Noah is right behind him.  He has the same two loose that Nathan just lost.  The tooth fairy is going to go broke.  Oh, Abby has a loose one too! 

Weekend with Cousins

Last weekend Jonathan and Clayton came to spend the night with us.  The kids had such a good time.  Clayton and Abby really miss each other.  During the school year we just don't get to see each other very often.  It seems like forever ago when these two were the only babies and they spent so much time together. (Almost like siblings)  We started our weekend with pizza and a some dancing.  At our house dancing is a must!  Jonathan was providing us with lots of entertainment.  The kids love playing with him and are actually very good with him.  He was easy of course but I must say it seems like forever that I had a toddler.  Later the big kids played upstairs and the boys stayed down to play with Jonathan.  We had camp outs in the floor but we did separate the big kids from the little kids. (Smart idea Bobby!) Everyone went to sleep pretty well.  Jonathan and I did a little cuddling and he slept the whole night.  The next morning Bobby made us all a huge breakfast and the kids all played together.  Later, Clayton and the boys went upstairs to play and Abby stayed down with Jonathan. The boys were excited to have Clayton to themselves for a little while.  They think he is the coolest!  Finally, we finished up our sleepover with a trip to the park.  The kids played baseball on the big field and played on the playground.  After a short swing, Jonathan and I watched the kids play baseball and then took a walk.  It was a great weekend and the kids all got along so well. 


Notice the biggest kid of all!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

P is for Pajamas and Picture Day

We had another full, busy week.  I've spent a couple of days a week at Abby's school helping with the book fair and helping her teacher during Reading.  I really enjoy spending time in her classroom and watching her interact with her friends.  We have come a long way since the child who wouldn't talk in preschool.  This year Abby wants to try everything. (solos, new clubs, new activities)  I am thrilled with how far she has come in the last few years.  I was worried about this year since her best friend is now home schooled.  I am so proud of the way she has made a new group of friends this year.  During Reading group they were reading Cinderella and their teacher asked them what they would wish for if they had a fairy godmother.  She asked Abby and she said that she didn't really want anything.  Her teacher said, "Abby, are you just so happy that you don't need anything?"  Abby said , "Yes, I am."  She couldn't have said anything to make me any happier. 

The  boys continue to enjoy school.  They can both write their name and they can identify almost all of the alphabet (including the sounds).  They have also made new friends this year because there are 2 more boys in their class.  They love their "girls" but I think they are really enjoying have some more boys to play with.  This week they studied the letter P and they had a pajama party on Friday.  They were so excited because we all know how my kids love to be in their pajamas. (They might get this from me!)  They snacked on popcorn and took their puppies and penguins for show-n-tell. 

Abby and her friend Jolie at school
All ready for her picture...


Sunday, September 16, 2012


Nathan has been in rare form all summer.  He went throught a little bit of a stage this summer where he pictched some fits and really showed his stubborn side.  This was a side of him we had really never seen.  He has always been the most laid back of the group.  He has also not stopped talking since summer started.  Seriously, that child never stops talking.  This is from the child who was a little bit of a late talker.  He is making up for lost time.  He has mellowed out a little since school started but he still talks constantly.  (haha)  He can be the sweetest child on earth.  For the past two weeks he has picked something for one of us when he earned "Treasure Box" at school.  The first week he chose a really large "diamond" ring for me.  He told me that I needed an extra ring in case I lost the one Daddy gave me.  This week he got Abby a finger light.  Those are a big hit at our house.  When I picked him up from school he wanted to go straight to pick up Abby.  He could barely get buckled because he was so excited about what he got Abby.  It was so sweet because when he finally gave it to her that afternoon she hugged him and told him what a great brother he was.  (Rare, sweet moments at our house!) 

One day last week we were talking about "T" words because that was their letter of the week.  Nathan came up with several good words.  I was telling him what a great job he was doing.  He said, "Of course Mommy because you see I am an expert."  He cracks me up!

Another day he and Noah got in the car and they were a little upset because another kid had pushed Noah off the swing at school.  Nathan was actually the most upset.  He told me what happened and said, "That other boy pushed my brother and didn't even say sorry.  I am so mad at him Mommy.  Tomorrow I'm going to tell him that he needs to tell my brother he is sorry."  He was so cute being so protective of his brother. 

I'll ask him if he's my baby and he'll say yes but don't tell anyone because I'm a big boy.  He tells me it's our secret. 

Here's my sweet boy with crazy hair!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spa Day

Every girl needs a spa day every now and then.  Aunt Tonya gave Abby a day at a special kid's spa for her birthday.  Yes, that was in March.  We have been waiting for a weekend that was open to have a little girls' day.  We finally went this past weekend and Abby loved every minute of it.  She had a mani and pani done.  Of course, she chose a pink polish with glitter.  Then, she got to make her own lipgloss in the flavor of her choice.  After the spa we went out for lunch.  It was Abby's choice and she chose cheeseburgers and milkshakes.  Abby is the only girl on my side of the family so we love taking her out for a little girl time.  Thanks Aunt Tonya for the gift.  You couldn't have chosen anything better!!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sweet Babies!

Look at my sweet (and big) babies.  We were reading stories and Nathan fell asleep on the side of the couch.  Then Noah fell asleep on me.  (I might have actually drifted off too.)  Abby finished up the reading.  When I got up and tried to lift Noah he just laid down on Nathan.  Abby said, "Mommy, that is so sweet that I might cry.  You better get your camera."  She cracks me up.  We might all be having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to school  hours.  Sleep is very important to the 4 of us!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Fair

Bobby and I surprised the kids tonight with a trip to the local fair.  They didn't find out where we were going until we pulled in to the parking lot.  After driving us crazy all afternoon asking questions about their surprise they were beyond excited when they found out.  We took the kids 2 years ago to this same fair and Abby loved it.  They boys weren't quite 3 and they were a little unsure about some of the rides.  Not tonight!  They loved every one of them!  They even went on the big ferris wheel with Bobby a few times.  They were all little daredevils.  Abby even rode The Flying Dutchman which is a very high ride that swings.  I was shocked (& a little nervous) that she rode it but as you can see from the pictures she loved it. Nathan cried because he was too little to ride!  We had an all around great night.  We let the kids have cheetos, sprite, fried oreos and cotton candy for dinner.  We didn't leave the fair until 10:30 (1.5 hours past their bedtime).  We broke all the rules tonight!  The kids came home and crashed.  I'm hoping they sleep late tomorrow!

Sad because she had to ride alone..


until Daddy starting making crazy faces to make her laugh.

My brave girl!
Noah had to ride with an older girl...he was in heaven!