Saturday, November 30, 2013

Family Reunion in the Mountains

We've recently starting having a second family reunion each fall.  We usually have it at a park or in the mountains.  This year we went to the mountains.  We have a huge building to use and lots of outdoor place space for the kids.  The kids all had a great time playing and I had a nice time catching up with everyone.  It was such a pretty fall day to have it. 

1st Take...
Silly faces!

Thanksgiving 2013


November in Pictures

Recycling Daddy's Halloween costume...Willy Jr.
I have no words for this! The Santa hats came out right after Halloween.
The two cutest little Indians ever!
Boys day at the movies!
A little gaming with the cousins
And we are attacked by wild man!
Can you say mischievous?!?!
Breaking out the Christmas pjs!
A little family game night

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Roller Skating

Abby tried out roller skating for the first time last month. Her friend Mia had a skating party and she was so excited about it.  She and Mia have been friends since they were in 3 year old preschool together so it's fun to see them celebrate their birthdays together each year.  Abby did well for her first time. Much better than her mommy ever did on skates!  She used one of the little trainers which I called a walker.  She did have one pretty bad fall and I thought that would be it.  She sat there for awhile and then shook it off and got right back out there.  I was really proud of her for trying so hard. 

Just for comparison...Abby and Mia at 4.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

The boys took a field trip a few weeks ago to a local pumpkin patch. We have gone to this same pumpkin patch with our preschool and then again in kindergarten.  This makes my 6th trip to the farm.  It's a little sad to think that this will be my last trip there.  The boys had a great time.  They slid on the big giant slide, ran around with their friends and ran through the hay maze.  Then we went over to see the animals at the petting farm.  We took a hayride out to feed the cows.  What a sight!  Tons of cows run toward the wagon and stick their heads in wanting to be fed.  The kids just shove handfuls of hay at them.  It's quite the experience!  Then we took the kids through the corn maze.  I had my boys plus one of their friends.  They had a blast running around but they made me nervous because they wanted to find "shortcuts."  I kept wondering if I had cell service in the maze.  We made it through and then headed off to have our picnic lunch.  The boys really enjoyed the whole day and were so well behaved.  In think riding the bus there and back was one of their favorite parts. 

Nathan coming down the big slide!
Noah in the hay maze.
Noah is "King of the World."
Feeding all the cows!
The class