Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we are fully decorated and in Christmas mode.  I just wanted to take a minute to put up some pictures from Turkey Day.  We started off the day watching the parade on tv. The kids loved seeing all of their favorite characters.  Then we headed to Mimi's and Pawpaw's for lunch to celebrate with Pawpaw's family.  Lots of yummy food!  We spent a few hours there and finished off our celebration at Nana and Papa's with the whole family.  ( and more yummy food!) The kids had such a great time playing with their cousins all day.  Everyone is so busy that we don't get to see each other as much as we would like.  The adults got to sit around and talk and check out the Black Friday sales.

Thankful for these huge smiles!

Thankful for these little turkeys!
Thankful for grandparents!!

Thankful for a sweet daddy and husband!
Thankful to be a mommy!
Thankful for nieces and nephews! (and sweet cheeks!)
Thankful for cousins to laugh with!
Thankful for cousins to grow up with (almost like twins)!
Thankful for some "girl time" with the girl cousins!
Thankful for twin brothers and after dinner wrestling matches!
Thankful for silly faces!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Down on the Farm

A few weeks ago the boys' class took a field trip to a local farm.  Daddy took the morning off work to go with us.  The boys were able to visit the animals and take a hayride to feed some very hungry cows.  They also had a corn maze, hay maze and giant slides made from pipe.  The boys had a good time with their friends and it was a beautiful day.


The slide was so fun that even Daddy had to try it out!

On the hayride-the cows were a little close for mommy's taste
feeding the cows
The class minus Nathan (he wasn't feeling it that day)
This giant slide was their favorite part of the day
Noah running to slide again!

Checking out the baby cows

Nathan and Daddy

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Boys' Thanksgiving Party

Today the boys had their little Thanksgiving "performance" and party.  Their little performance was just 5 short songs.  They did such a good job.  They walked right in and stood very still in their place for all 5 songs.  I am amazed at the cooperation the teachers get from these two at school.  My favorite part was that they were so excited to walk in and see me.  (That kind of excitement is usually reserved for Daddy or the grandparents.)  We also had a little party in the classroom.  As usual the boys' favorite part is the cookies!

Nathan and Noah love playing with the little brothers and sisters that come in for the party.  Today Nathan was entertaining one of the little sisters.  It was so sweet.  He found some Thomas books to show to her.  I wish I had a video of him "reading" to her.  They both are really very good with little ones.  I did catch some cute pictures at least.

Noah spotted Mommy!

My sweet Nathan waving at me as he walked in!
Getting ready to sing and pointing out Mommy
Class full of Indians
Sitting so nicely for the story
Class picture with both boys!  Woohoo!
Check out what they are thankful for...
Nathan reading to a little sister

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Boys' Birthday Week Wrap Up

We celebrated one more time on the boys' actual birthday.  Our tradition is to let the kids pick what they want for dinner on that night.  Right now this is pretty easy.  Everyone is so picky that they all pick breakfast for dinner.  Woo hoo! That means Daddy gets to cook!  So we had a pancake dinner and cupcakes for dessert.  I almost forgot that we celebrated that day at preschool too with some Cars cupcakes.  So, we continue our tradition of having a "birthweek" instead of a birthday.  Mommy loves birthdays just as much as they do so I always have a great time with this.  I guess it doesn't surprise me that one of my children's favorite thing to play is "birthday party".
I'm sure the moms appreciated cupcakes with black icing!






Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Noah and Nathan!

    I can hardly believe that my  baby boys turn 4 today.  I know I say it all the time but it seems like just yesterday we were preparing 16 bottles a day and you two were sleeping swaddled together in a bassinet.  Time flies when you have children but it really flies when you have two at once. 
    You boys have had many milestones this year.  You are potty trained.  Woohoo!!!  It only took us 6 months.  You moved from a crib to a toddler bed for a few months.  We finally bit the bullet a few months later and put you two in bunk beds which I swore I would never do.  You guys have done wonderful in your new beds.  It was a very easy transition for you two.  You go to school 3 days a week this year and you love every minute of it.  You would go full time if Mommy would let you.  This fall you started going to Preschool Choir at our church or singing church as you like to call it.  As usual, you walked in like you owned the place and never looked back.  You have no problem dressing and undressing yourselves.  Your choice of clothes is a little questionable but you are boys!  Your relationship has also changed a little this year.  You have really started playing and interacting more together in the last few months.  You have always played close together but lately you do a lot of pretending together.  It is so fun to hear those two vivid little imaginations working together.  Of course with more playing comes more arguing.  I hear a lot of you are not the boss and you can't do that. 
     The last 4 years have been a lot of work but they have been so exciting.  There hasn't been a dull moment in our lives since the day you two little guys arrived!

My Traditional Birthday Letters:

Dear Nathan,
     I can't believe my baby is 4 today.  Yes, you are still my baby and will always be.  I love that you will still crawl up in my lap and cuddle.  Nathan, you are such a fun little guy.  You are so rough and all boy 100% but yet you are so sensitive and have a tender heart.   You are typically the most laid back person in our house. Your teacher desribes you as a laid back, happy-go-lucky little guy.  However, you have learned to defend yourself in the last few years. Abby and Noah would take toys in the past and you would just let them.  Now, no one gets away with taking toys from you.  You enjoy playing with your brother and sister but you love nothing more than laying on the floor playing with your trains or cars.  You can entertain yourself for hours.  I love hearing you play and the little conversations that you make up for all of your trains.  Yes, you still love trains.  You love Thomas the Train and can name every single train.  You also like to watch Chugginton and  Roary the Racing Car.  Your favorite movies are the Toy Story and Cars movies.  While your brother has a love already for technology you seem to prefer  creating or building.  You love to set up little scenes for you cars and trains. 
    Nathan, you amaze me with the way you pick up new things.  With the potty training it took you awhile to get the hang of it but once you did it a couple of times you had it perfectly.  You rarely ever have any accidents.  I'll try to work with you on your letters and numbers and you show no interest.  A few days later you will point out and identify half of the alphabet in a book.  You do things on your timetable and you cannot be pushed.   You do know about half of your letters and some sounds.  You can count to 20.  You can almost spell your name.  You just want to leave out the last A.    (You can usually always spell Noah!) 
You are a smart little guy! 
Happy Birthday to my baby boy!

Dear Noah,
   You have earned the nickname Dennis the Menace because you are always up to something.  You just have that very mischevious look in your eyes.  You are not usually content very long playing with toys because you are always investigating.  Your latest interest is technology and video games.  My cell phone and Abby's DS go missing several times a day.  You will find them and find a place to hide and play.  Last week I found you in your clothes hamper with the lid on playing the DS.  Obviously, you will share your Daddy's love for technology. 
    Noah, in so many ways you and your brother are total opposites.  You are not at all laid back.  Your teacher desribes you as the "most opionated" of the two of you.  That's a good way to put it.  You are extremely competetive.  One of your favorite phrases is "I win, you lose".  Hopefully Mommy's non-competitive nature can tone that down a bit but it is doubtful.  You also want to be big and grown up so badly. You ask me several times a day, "Can I do that when I'm big?".  When I ask you how old you are, you often say 6 or 7.  This could be because we said you have to be 6 to get a DS.
    Noah, even though you are a very busy little guy you too will take time to cuddle with mommy.  You like to cuddle up and watch tv or let mommy read you a book.  You love nothing more than crawling in bed with mommy when you can't fall asleep.  I know sometimes it's hard for that busy little mind to relax at night.

Happy Birthday to my curious little boy!


and Now!

Birthday Party Continued

Here's a few more pictures of the big day.  I wish I could have gotten a picture of everyone that was there.  When I am rich I am going to hire a photographer for all family events so I don't miss anything.  (haha!)

The Grand Finale of the Party... Daddy's Flip!