Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The kids had a great time trick-or-treating last night.  Wow, everyone was so tired this morning. (especially mommy!)  We celebrated Mommy's birthday with Nana, Papa, Alicia and Karlie last night.  We had pizza and cake and icecream.  Bobby and the kids made me a birthday cake and decorated it.  They did a great job.  I'll post some pictures of that little activity later.  Back to Halloween...  This year I gave up my quest for coordinating costumes.  I just let everyone pick.  Nathan picked Thomas the Train. (big surprise on that one)  Abby chose to be a cheerleader.  (Awesome! We already had the outfit!)  Noah wanted to be a garbage truck.  Yes, that was a garbage truck.  I finally convinced him that we couldn't find that costume so he decided to be a garbage truck driver.  Oh, my sweet Noah!  So, we headed to the computer and pulled up the costume websites.  So, finally, he came up with a doctor.  (From one extreme to the other!)  Although, I missed having them coordinate I must admit all of their choices fit them.  They were adorable!
Nathan's, Abby's, Noah's
Dr. Noah, Thomas the Train, Cheerleader Abby, Queen Karlie
All 3 smiling and looking at the camera!!!!
Sweet cousins!

Night before Halloween with their decorated pumpkins

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