Thursday, November 17, 2011

Boys' Thanksgiving Party

Today the boys had their little Thanksgiving "performance" and party.  Their little performance was just 5 short songs.  They did such a good job.  They walked right in and stood very still in their place for all 5 songs.  I am amazed at the cooperation the teachers get from these two at school.  My favorite part was that they were so excited to walk in and see me.  (That kind of excitement is usually reserved for Daddy or the grandparents.)  We also had a little party in the classroom.  As usual the boys' favorite part is the cookies!

Nathan and Noah love playing with the little brothers and sisters that come in for the party.  Today Nathan was entertaining one of the little sisters.  It was so sweet.  He found some Thomas books to show to her.  I wish I had a video of him "reading" to her.  They both are really very good with little ones.  I did catch some cute pictures at least.

Noah spotted Mommy!

My sweet Nathan waving at me as he walked in!
Getting ready to sing and pointing out Mommy
Class full of Indians
Sitting so nicely for the story
Class picture with both boys!  Woohoo!
Check out what they are thankful for...
Nathan reading to a little sister

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