Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday to Nana!  We had such a good time celebrating with you yesterday! Here are some pictures of your big day!

Silly faces!
Everyone singing to Nana
So typical of Bobby-aggravating everyone!

Nana and all of her babies

Can't forget Papa-  Happy Anniversary to Nana and Papa!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Start them early...

Two little Dawgs doing a little cleaning
Big sister lending a hand

I just asked them to pick up a few pieces of food under the table.  We have been working on having them work together to set the table and clean it off.  The next thing I know everyone has some sort of broom and they swept my whole kitchen.  Gotta love that!!! (I'm just happy that the boys didn't use the brooms as weapons!)  Progress!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Bike Ride

We wanted to get outside and take advantage of this gorgeous weather today so we loaded up the bikes and headed out for a bike ride.  This was our first time with all 5 of us on bikes.  Usually, we put the boys in the trailer or we just walk while they ride.  They did pretty good.  Nathan was a trooper.  He could have rode all day.  Abby got tired pretty quickly and Noah got distracted by every thing under the sun. :)  We also need to work on hills since they are used to riding on our perfectly flat driveway.  After our ride we had a picnic and played in the park for a little while.  Daddy taught us how to skip rocks on the creek before we left.  We finished off our day with a little icecream treat.  Now, everyone is pooped and QUIETLY watching a movie. What a great day!

Daddy is teaching us how to skip rocks.

On the bridge with Daddy

Check out that helmet hair!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

G is for...

Georgia Bulldogs!

and Goofy Glasses!  (This week was letter G week at school.)

What post would be complete without a picture of this little cutie?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fun with Friends

 Last week we met Belinda and the girls at the park for a little picnic and play time.  (Of course, Abby is none to happy that she hasn't met Maggie yet.)   The kids all had a good time playing together and it was such pretty weather. I got some of the cutest pictures of the kids.
Anxiously awaiting the girls..
Nathan insisted they hold hands.  (He loves the dark haired ladies!)

Nathan and Mary Helen

Trying to get a picture of B & the girls but the boys had to be in it
Belinda, Mary Helen and Maggie
Belinda and Maggie

Mary Helen and Nathan

Noah and Mary Helen

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mismatch Day!

Today was mismatch day at school for Abby.  They paid 50 cents to dress like this and to raise money for Relay for Life.  She had a blast picking out her outfit. 

Nathan wanted no part of pictures at 7:30 a.m.!  Not a morning
 person! (Wonder where he gets that?)
Noah wanted to get in on the picture taking.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I ask myself...

Why are my children so rough and tough?  The answer...

The grand finale... A huge pile on.

Our night is not complete without a little dancing...
Noah who has become a little dancing machine.
Nathan is filming the dancing with his camcorder made from tinker toys.

These 3 love nothing  better than wrestling on the floor with daddy.  Mommy, of course, doesn't get involved.  I just watch from a SAFE distance.  You wouldn't think my girly girl would love this so much but she's as bad as the boys.  Just another wild weekend night at our house!

*I had to record the funniest thing that Nathan said this weekend.  He showed us a toy that Noah broke.  I asked him if Noah should get a spanking.  He said, "No but Daddy needs to give him a talk."  Such a sweet boy! 

*Another quick note:  Bobby and I detest tinker toys because we find them everywhere and I mean everywhere.  As much as they drive us crazy with them they are the most used toy we have ever purchased.  I just wanted to list the things they have made lately with them so I wouldn't forget: 
super soaker water guns, camcorder, weedeater, remote control for the weedeater, lawnmower, birthday cake, trains, cars, houses, castles
What little imaginations!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

We took the kids to their first major league baseball game this weekend.  They were very excited and seemed to really enjoy it.  We made it to about the 6th inning before we left.  Since they had been up that day since 6:30 and taken no naps I thought this was pretty good.  Noah could have lasted for the rest of the game.  He loved it and told Bobby that he wanted to play on that big field.  I think that brought tears to Bobby's eyes. (haha)  Abby's favorite part was doing the wave.  She thought that was so much fun.  Nathan was more interested in the people. He was giving people high fives with his enornous foam finger.  Gotta love those things!  We had a great time and the kids were well behaved.  Our only little problem was the vendors.  They wanted everything the vendors were selling.  Drinks, popcorn, cotton candy, etc. 

Nathan hamming it up with our neighbors!

