Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Bike Ride

We wanted to get outside and take advantage of this gorgeous weather today so we loaded up the bikes and headed out for a bike ride.  This was our first time with all 5 of us on bikes.  Usually, we put the boys in the trailer or we just walk while they ride.  They did pretty good.  Nathan was a trooper.  He could have rode all day.  Abby got tired pretty quickly and Noah got distracted by every thing under the sun. :)  We also need to work on hills since they are used to riding on our perfectly flat driveway.  After our ride we had a picnic and played in the park for a little while.  Daddy taught us how to skip rocks on the creek before we left.  We finished off our day with a little icecream treat.  Now, everyone is pooped and QUIETLY watching a movie. What a great day!

Daddy is teaching us how to skip rocks.

On the bridge with Daddy

Check out that helmet hair!

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