Monday, September 5, 2011

I ask myself...

Why are my children so rough and tough?  The answer...

The grand finale... A huge pile on.

Our night is not complete without a little dancing...
Noah who has become a little dancing machine.
Nathan is filming the dancing with his camcorder made from tinker toys.

These 3 love nothing  better than wrestling on the floor with daddy.  Mommy, of course, doesn't get involved.  I just watch from a SAFE distance.  You wouldn't think my girly girl would love this so much but she's as bad as the boys.  Just another wild weekend night at our house!

*I had to record the funniest thing that Nathan said this weekend.  He showed us a toy that Noah broke.  I asked him if Noah should get a spanking.  He said, "No but Daddy needs to give him a talk."  Such a sweet boy! 

*Another quick note:  Bobby and I detest tinker toys because we find them everywhere and I mean everywhere.  As much as they drive us crazy with them they are the most used toy we have ever purchased.  I just wanted to list the things they have made lately with them so I wouldn't forget: 
super soaker water guns, camcorder, weedeater, remote control for the weedeater, lawnmower, birthday cake, trains, cars, houses, castles
What little imaginations!!!

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