Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Abby's Awards Day and Pizza Party

Abby had her Award's Day this week.  It was such a cute program.  Abby got a Reading, Math, Chorus, Computer Lab and PE award.  Honestly, I was most proud of that PE award.  Abby always complains that she has a hard time keeping up with some of the other kids especially with anything involving running.  She will get out on the driveway and run laps trying to increase her speed. Her teacher told me they usually choose the child who tries their hardest and puts forth their best effort.  It makes me feel so good that she is working so hard and has such a good attitude about something that is a struggle for her.  Ms. Pate told me that Abby works hard at everything she does at school.  A very proud mommy moment!  After they received their real awards Ms. Pate gave them all candy bar awards.  Abby was given the Reese's Peanut Butter cup with white chocolate award.  Next they all sang a little song together called "We're going to Third Grade" and each child had a  line (written by the teachers) to sing about themselves.  It was so sweet!  They finished it off by joining hands and singing "Thank You for Being a Friend."  I have to admit that I was a little teary eyed.  Abby has had such a good year.  I feel like she has grown up so much and come into her own.  Ms. Pate also told me that she had seen so much growth in Abby this year.  Abby was just so happy in her class this year.  Ms. Pate just has such a wonderful way with those kids and she makes each and every one of them feel so loved!  She doesn't just teach them academics but she really just teaches them about life.  I feel so blessed that Abby was in her class and I keep begging her to keep teaching until Noah and Nathan get to second grade.

with Ms. Garrettt
with Ms. Pate
With her math teacher Ms. Abrams


Monday, May 20, 2013

Pre-K Graduation Party

The boys ended their preschool careers with a big party in a classmates back yard.  They played on the playground, bounced on the trampoline, played with bubbles and balls.  They had such a good time with their friends.  All of the families were invited and we had a picnic lunch with cake and cake pops afterward.  My kids have definitely been spoiled at their preschool with the parties.  These moms could be professional party planners!  Everything was adorable and it was a nice little way to end the year with their friends.  (Abby and Noah had strep throat the day before but we managed to get enough medicine in them that everyone was well enough to go! )




Sunday, May 19, 2013

Noah and Nathan's Pre-K Graduation

The day finally came.  My babies graduated pre-K last week.  They finished off with a graduation ceremony and a fun end of the year party in one of their friend's backyard.  We have been at our same preschool for 5 years.  Abby attended for 3's and 4's and the boys for 2's, 3's and 4's.  Many of the same teachers and assisstants were there the whole time.  It just hit me last week that for 5 years these sweet ladies have unloaded my babies from the car with a big "Good Morning" and lots of hugs.  There were a few days in there that they had to take them in crying and were so patient with them as I drove away crying too.  We are about to enter a whole new stage of life with 3 "school kids" in our house.  In many ways I am more prepared this time around  because I know and love the school where the boys will go. Abby will also be there to help them find their class those first few weeks.  It's just a little sad to see your "babies" head off to big school.  It seems like just yesterday that I had 2 infants and took that giant stroller everywhere I went.  It was a nice day and a sweet end to 3 fun years for the boys.
Noah walking in...

Nathan walking in...


With their teacher Ms. Rene


with Ms. Allison, their 2 year teacher

With Ms. Jennifer, their 3 year teacher


All 3 with Ms. Mary assistant director


With Ms. April, a teacher's assisntant