Monday, August 1, 2011

Busy Weekend

We had a fun, busy weekend.  Bobby took Friday off since he has been working so much. He wanted to spend a day with the kids before they started back to school.   We went out to breakfast and then went to the library to turn in our summer reading forms.  All 3 kids made it and read 800 minutes this summer.  Woohoo!  Then we headed to the pool and spent the rest of the afternoon there.  The kids are doing great with their swimming. 

Friday was a special day for Bobby and me.  We met exactly 10 years ago.  In some ways it seems like only yesterday and in other ways it seems like we have known  each other our whole lives.  Mandy came to babysit so we could go out to dinner.  It is such a treat to have "date night". 

Ten years ago:

Look at those young kids!

On Saturday we met Mimi and Pawpaw and the whole family at a water park.  All of the kids (and adults) had a great time.  We had enough adults to make it manageable with the kids. We were all worn out when we left.  The boys fell asleep with in  a couple of minutes of getting in the car. 
Pawpaw and Nathan
Noah enjoying a snack and warning me not to wake up baby Jonathan
Abby and Mimi after Abby took her on the "Lazy River"
All the boys on the Lazy river
Abby hanging out with Uncle Brad
Little Jonathan napped in the shade with Pawpaw

Mommy and Nathan on the (not so) lazy river

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