Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nathan & Noah's First Day of Preschool

     The boys started their first day of 3 year old preschool this week.  They will go 3 days a week.  I won't know what to do with all of this time on my hands. They have been so excited because they just love their little school.  We had a lot of pep talks on going to the potty, sharing toys, listening to their teacher and most importantly not peeing on the grass on the playground.  We tried to stress the most important things. (haha)
Bobby took the morning off so he could go with us.  They walked right in, put their things away and found some toys to play with.  We stayed for a little while and took a few pictures.  Finally Nathan called me over and said, "Mommy, you are supposed to leave now."  I was a little sad that my baby was kicking me out the door.  He said,"You not stay at school Mommy."  So, we got kisses and hugs and left 2 happy little boys. The teacher said they had a great day.  Several moms were telling me how their little girls talked about Noah and Nathan all of the time at home.  Little Ladies' Men already!  They do love the girls which is a good thing because they are the only boys in the class. 
     We got another good report today from school.  They said they were being good listeners while their friends were doing show-n-tell.  Thank goodness!  This morning I asked Noah if he needed me to walk them to their classrooms.  He told me quickly that they were big boys and they were supposed to go in by themselves.  So it looks like we're off  to another great year!
Noah and Nathan
Nathan (getting ready for school by raising his hand?)
Abby & Noah (which actually looks more like Nathan)
Such BIG boys!
Daddy is making us laugh!
Noah is giving Nathan a kiss and Nathan is not happy about it!
with Daddy at school
Noah and Ms. Mary, the music teacher
With their teacher, Ms. Jennifer
Playing happily when we left


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