Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas night

On Christmas night we headed out to Mimi and Pawpaws to celebrate with my  side of the family.  This year we celebrated over at Pam and Jeremy's.  We had our traditional Christmas night dinner of appetizers and finger foods.   All of the  boys did manage to get in time out before we ate dinner.  They were getting a little too wild but they did calm down.  Life with a family full of boys!  We had dinner and then let the kids open their presents.  Everyone loved their gifts.  Then we let the kids go back to play while the adults opened their gifts.  It made things a little calmer.  The gifts of the year were Yeti cups and monogrammed vests!  Then we opened our stockings and called the kids back down to get theirs.  Finally we all had some great desserts.   We had a fun night with our family and the kids loved playing with their cousins.  We made it home close to midnight that night.  We were all exhausted after a wonderful two days of celebrating.   Even though our children are a little spoiled at Christmas we feel so blessed that they really do understand the true meaning of Christmas.  Through their prayers, blessings and even conversations with school friends I heard all three of them talk of the birth of Jesus and the REAL meaning of Christmas.


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