Sunday, December 20, 2015

Festival of Trees

Another event that we look forward to each year is our little town's Festival of Trees.  Our little tradition is to go each year with our friends Belinda, Kenny, Mary Helen and Maggie.  We usually make it every year unless someone is sick.  All of the local businesses decorate themed trees to be auctioned off and all of the money goes to children's charities.   All of us love going to it each year.  They serve hot chocolate, cookies and have a bonfire for roasting marshmallows.  I love looking back at all of the old pictures of previous years.  We have had some really special memories there.  This was our first public outing with our boys at about 3 weeks old because we were determined they would see Santa.  I remember the year that Abby FINALLY sat in Santa's lap and didn't have to stand beside him.  One year Nathan took his first steps right as we walked out the door to go.  Here are some of this year's memories:

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