Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beach 2011

    We took our summer vacation last week and went to St. Simon's Island.  This was our 4th year going here and we have grown to love it.  We stay in a condo that is a very short walk to the beach.  I love it here because it is a very laid back little town.  It isn't very commercial and has a handful of local restaurants.  I love the beach and I am already dying to go back.   (It's a long time until next summer!) Our kids are beach kids.  We set up a tent each day on the beach and stay out for hours.  They dig in the sand, look for seashells and spend hours in the water.  We were a little worried about going on vacation without the grandparents for the first time.  The change in the boys from last year was amazing.  They were so easy on the beach this year.  They totally entertain themselves and we didn't have to chase them this year.  For the past few years the 4 adults DID NOT sit down at all.  The boys were like little crabs running on the beach.  We actually got some relaxing in this year.  Bobby did have to work for several days but he did it all at night. (What a trooper!)  .  The kids all slept in one big room together but they each had their own bed.  They also had a tv in their room.  (They were in heaven.) They were so tired each afternoon that they changed into pjs and cuddled in bed and watched movies.   I spent a lot of time on the porch each afternoon and evening. I read 3-4 books and tons of  magazines which I never have time to do at home. ( The weather was perfect and temps stayed in the 80's.)  It was so nice on the porch with the view of the ocean and the breezes that I took a nap a few days.  Of course, I took over 600 pictures so there will be several posts of our trip so her goes Day 1 at the beach.

Abby & Nathan stayed in the water constantly.
Nathan, my little worker, hauled bucket after bucket of water to the beach.
Bobby, Noah & Abby
A little snuggling and reading with Mommy at the end of the day
This big girl was reading on her own.

Noah playing ball with Daddy.


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