Friday, July 15, 2011

Cars 2!

Well, it is finally here.  The boys have been talking about this for months.  Cars 2 came out a few weeks ago and we took the kids last weekend.  This was the boys first movie at the theater.  They loved it and they were so excited.  We got there early so we could get settled and take several bathroom breaks before the movie started.  From the second we sat down they would say over and over, "Where's Cars 2? Where is Lightning McQueen?."  I was worried that they were driving everyone crazy around us and then a little boy sat down behind us and did the same thing.  They did pretty good.  They sat in their seats until the last 20-30 minutes and they stood for that.  Not too bad for their first time.  All three kids (and parents) loved the movie.  It was cute. 
Happy with our popcorn and drinks

Can you tell the sun was a little bright?

Just a little note: It costs a family of five $35 to go to an afternnon movie and $25 to get snacks.  We thought this was terrible.  Luckily we are not huge movie people.  I thought this would be interesting when the kids look back at this years from now. 

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