Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bobby's Birthday Celebration

We had a little mini celebration on Bobby's actual birthday this week.  The kids made cards, we hung the birthday banner and gave him a Wii game.  His favorite part of the night was that I surprised him with homeade icecream. (This is one of his favorite things.)  With a little help from my sister-in-law, I was able to get it mixed up and ready by the time he got home.  He "taste-tested" it and we started it up. 

We had the big party this weekend with the whole family.  I made homeade baked ziti, which is his favorite meal.  Then we had cake and icecream.  We had a great time just hanging out with our families.  The kids all ran around and yelled and had a good time with their cousins.  The kids and I also gave him a notebook/tablet for his birthday and Father's Day.  He has enjoyed playing with his new toy.
Daddy and his little girl

Trying to blow out the candles so we couldn't get a picture!

The birthday boy!

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