Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Yesterday we went with Belinda, Kenny and the girls to the pumpkin patch.  This is a yearly tradition with our 2 families. (4 years!)  We had a great day.  It is so funny to think of how the kids have changed in the last few years. Mary Helen was toddling around the first year and  the boys were still in strollers.  The boys were almost 2 the next year.  They took one look at the pumpkins, yelled "Balls!" and started kicking them.  This year was Maggie's first year.  It was fun watching her all day.  She is the  "baby" of the group.  Of course, Abby and Mary Helen are inseparable.  They run around holding hands and giggling all the time.  I took an overload of pictures.  We had gorgeous weather and adorable kids.  What more could you ask for?

Yes, we are trying to climb in the rabbit's pen.

Daddy's little girl

Attempting the last picture of the day!

Many, many attempts later at the last picture!


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