Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Weekend Away

This week Bobby and I escaped to the mountains for a few days.  It was such a nice, relaxing trip.  We ate, watched a little tv (not Nick Jr. or Sprout), read, shopped and did a little hiking.  One afternoon Bobby was patient enough to walk around all the cute little shops in town with me.  We spent our last day hiking through a couple of parks.  The leaves have started to turn a little.  It was beautiful. 

The kids had a great time staying with Mimi and Pawpaw.  They got to catch up with all of the cousins who they don't get to see as much these days.  Mimi and Pawpaw even planned a "campout" in the back yard on their last night for all the cousins.  They roasted marshmallows and slept in the camper that night.  We all had a great time.  It's so good to get away from our normal routines every now and then. 

I just love this time of the year.  We have had gorgeous weather lately.  It makes me want to be outside all of the time.  We have some fun things planned for the next few months.  I always want to pack in as much as possible during this beautiful time of the year.  Here's a few pictures of our weekend away...

Bobby scaring me to death pretending to climb over the fence!
The leaves have started to change

An eagle Bobby spotted

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