Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve

We spent the day on Christmas  Eve baking cookies.  This was my first experience baking with all 3 kids.  They boys enjoyed it but Noah lost interest pretty quickly.  Nathan really enjoyed rolling them out.  Abby loved decorating the gingerbread men.  I let her handle those little guys!  No pictures of the baking because it was all I could do to manage N & N much less a camera. 

That evening we headed over to Nana and Papa's to exchange gifts. We had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of pizza which we all love and then we opened presents.  We came home with a car load of goodies.  The kids were thrilled with their gifts.  When we got home we quickly dressed in our pjs and put out reindeer food and cookies for Santa.  The kids went straight to bed with no stalling.  What a surprise!

Nathan playing with Mandy and Devin

Not sure how I ended up with black and white?

Noah and Westley
A little after dinner playtime

Nathan loving on his Thomas pillow pet

Getting ready for Santa!

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