Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Things I Want to Remember

The kids have done some funny things lately that I want to remember.  Nathan now has an imaginary friend.  It started out as just his "pretend friend."  Slowly it changed to pretend friend "Audrey."  Abby said he got the name from a show they like to watch.  Audrey does everything with him.  She eats, sleeps, plays, etc.  Sometimes I have to set an extra place at the table for Audrey.  I'm pretty sure she goes to school with him because I have heard some conversations about Audrey and Ms. Jennifer, his teacher.   I think she went to visit Nana and Papa this weekend with the boys.  So far, he's very sweet to Audrey and hasn't tried to blame anything on her.  :)

Yesterday the boys and I went in search of a very hard to find Christmas gift.  As we were riding up the interstate, Noah announced that he wanted lunch at "Cracker Barro".  Usually the boys request mexican, pizza or Burger King so I was a little surprised.  I told him we would have to wait until we started back home after we found the gift.  We finally made it there and got a table right away.  As we were eating,Noah announced (loudly of course) that he loved eating here with all of the snakes.  A few people looked over at us.  It took me a minute before I remembered that we had to stop and play with some toy snakes on the way to our table.  Cracker Barrel always has snakes in their little toy department.  I asked him if he only wanted to eat here because of the snakes.  Well of course the answer was yes.  Little boys!!

Abby is her usual sweet but dramatic self.  One of her new chores is to clean off the place mats and table each night.  Every time I call her back in to clean she asks me, "Why do I have to do this every night?  It's so unfair, I'm so tired!".  (groan, groan, sigh, sigh)  Her drama is really quite funny because it usually takes her all of about 1 minute to compete this job.  She is loving school and reading everything in sight.  We can no longer spell to keep secrets from the kids.  I think we are going to have to take up a new language.  Spanish won't work because she probably knows as much as me.

We broke out the Christmas pjs this week so I'll post a picture of my sweet angels ready for Christmas.

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