Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nathan & Noah's Choir Performance

This year the boys have attended a preschool choir every Wednesday at church.  They have really enjoyed their "singing church" as they call it.  They put on the cutest little performance last week.  It was very informal and the parents could just move around the room and take pictures.  Their teachers just led them through several short little songs and dances.  It was perfect for their age and adorable!  I was so proud because the boys followed right along and paid attention during the whole performance.  (This is not always so easy for a 4 year old little boy!)

My favorite picture!  Two little angels!

They each had to say their name into the microphone.  Noah was
so cute!! (Nathan is helping to introduce his brother!)

Nathan introducing himself.

Nathan having a blast!


Rocking Baby Jesus

My two sweet babies!

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