Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Morning

The kids are such little sleepers that they didn't get up super early.  Noah crawled in bed with us around 6 which is his new habit.  Nathan called for me around 8 and I went to help him down from his bunk.  He just walked into our room and asked why daddy was home today.  I had to remind him it was Christmas and ask him if he thought Santa came.  That's all it took.  He ran to Abby's room to wake her up and then woke up Noah and Daddy.  Obviously none of our kids are really morning people.  When we went down they didn't say a lot at first.  I think they were speechless.  Then as they started noticing everything they started squealing and getting more excited.  They loved everything and thanked us several times.  They really wanted to thank Santa.  I should have taken an after picture to show the destruction after all the presents and toy boxes were opened.  We also had a bike riding around in there in addition to a truck driven by wild little  boys.  It was a fun Christmas!

Santa came!!

Abby's (notice all of the pink!)

Two excited boys!

Nathan quickly loaded all of his toys in the bed of the truck.

Abby on her new big girl bike

Daddy loves his new video game headphones.

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