Monday, December 26, 2011

Fun Christmas Memories of 2011

1. This is probably one of my favorite memories of the holidays.  Noah was playing with the Tinker Toys.  He called  me in the room to show me that he built a manger for Baby Jesus.  I love that the kids are understanding the true meaning of Christmas at such a young age.

2. Our advent calendar.  This year we had a calendar for the first time.  We read a few verses of the Christmas story each day and then did a little Christmas activity.  We tried to make it "family time" activities instead of gifts.  We got behind as we got closer to Christmas but the kids seemed excited about it.

3. Gratitude- All 3 kids at one time or another over the holidays thanked us.  They thanked us for their gifts and thanked us for taking them to do fun things.  Noah wanted to call Santa to thank him for his gifts on Christmas morning.  I know we overdo it at Christmas time with the gifts but I love that they are showing appreciation.  (Yes, I am ignoring the fact that Nathan said he only wanted toys not clothes when he opened a brand new winter coat! baby steps! haha!)

4. Nights at home with nothing to do- We managed to squeeze in a few nights over the holidays with nothing planned.  We watched Christmas movies and had hot chocolate a few times. 
Noah with his yummy hot chocolate

Nathan in his comfy, cozy pjs

These 2 goofy kids pretending to sleep

5. Finding our Christmas angel!  We thought we had lost her this year.  This is the angel that my engagement ring was tied on 10 years ago.

6. Chester, our elf made a return right after Thanksgiving per the kids request to Santa.  He only stayed a night and left a letter that he still had some work to do for Santa.  He came back a few weeks before Christmas.  The kids have so much fun with Chester.  They run down every morning so excited to see where he has landed next.  One morning we found him in the chandelier.  I told them not to turn on the light because it would burn his tushie.  Later I heard the boys telling someone that we couldn't turn on the light because it would burn the toilet tissue on Chester's bottom. 

7. Christmas cards are one of my favorite parts of the holidays.  I love going to the mailbox every day to get them. 

8.  Our kids just tried DONUTS for the first time.  I am a Krispy Kreme fanatic.  (Thank goodness we don't have one close to home!)  We had a little failed Christmas activity due to bad weather last week.  So we were able to drive through a huge light display on the way home and then stop for donuts.  The kids kept saying that they thought they would rather have cookies at home.  After one bite, it was  "Mommy, I loooove donuts."

9.  A cozy decorated house for Christmas.  Even though we had all of our decorations up by December 1st we will still leave them up until New Years.  This is something I got from my mom.  After Christmas is the time when you really get to be at home and enjoy the decorations.

10.  Excited little faces ready for Santa!

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